Nominations and Resolutions 

By the closing date for receipt of Nominations, Resolutions and Invitations: 

  • One nomination had been received for the post of District Governor 2021/22
  • One nomination had been received for the post of First Vice District Governor 2021/22
  • There was no nomination had been received for the post of Second Vice District Governor 2021/22; nominations may be accepted from the floor during Convention. 
  • These nominations will each require an election by way of secret ballot at Convention. 

I can confirm all of the candidates are fully qualified (as defined by the Constitution and By-Laws of our International Association) to stand for the posts for which they have been nominated. 

  • Five Resolutions had been received for debate at Convention 2021, each one in the name of the District Cabinet and none in the name of Clubs. 

No invitation was proposed by Cabinet to host Conventions in 2022 and 2023; this will be reviewed by the District Cabinet in accordance with Article VII, Section 5, Sub Section 4(d) of our Constitution and Article VI, Section 3 of our Constitution By-Laws. 

If any Club wishes to amend any of the Resolutions proposed at Convention; on receipt of the proposed resolutions any Club wishing to submit proposed amendments thereto shall submit the same in writing to the appointed officer at least 3 (three) weeks prior to the date set for Convention. 

(District Constitution, Article 7, Section 5, Sub-Section 6) 

PDG David Taylor 


Nominations for District Governor 2021/22: 

1VDG Lion Brian Donovan (Abingdon) proposed by Abingdon Lions Club and seconded by Poole Lions Club.  (See CV Icon Lion Brian Donovan.pdf)

Nominations for First Vice District Governor 2021/22: 

Lion Dave Ebsworth (Reading) proposed by Reading Lions Club and seconded by Westbury Lions Club. (See CV Icon Lion Dave Ebsworth.pdf

Nominations for Second Vice District Governor 2020/21: 


Resolution No 1 Proposed by District Cabinet 

This Resolution requires a two thirds majority 

This Convention resolves that:
105SC Constitution, Article VIII, Section 1. DISTRICT REVENUE be amended to read:
"To provide revenue for approved district projects and to defray the administrative expenses of the district, Cabinet shall table a resolution at every Annual District Convention to set the per capita levy for the following fiscal year. If such resolution shall fail then the per capita levy for the time being in force shall be continued until changed by resolution. The administrative subscription shall be levied upon each member of each club in the district and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual payments per club member by July 21st of each year....” 

Explanatory note:
There is no existing requirement in the Constitution for the annual subscription to be voted in at the Annual Convention. The additional text (highlighted in italics) formalises the procedure and brings the District Constitution in line with the Multiple District Constitution. 

Resolution No 2 Proposed by District Cabinet 

This Resolution requires a simple majority 

This Convention resolves that:
“The District Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2021/22 shall be in the sum of £9.00 per Lion. This shall be payable in two equal instalments - £4.50 per Lion by 1 August 2021 based upon the known membership as at 30 June 2021 and £4.50 per Lion by 1 February 2022 based upon the known membership as at 31 December 2021” 

Explanatory note:
Article VIII Section 1 of the Standard District Constitution (2019-2020) reads:
“To provide revenue for approved district projects and to defray the administrative expenses of the district, an annual district administrative fund tax of is hereby levied upon each member of each club in the district and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual payments as follows........” 

Resolution No 3 Proposed by District Cabinet 

This Resolution requires a simple majority 

This Convention resolves that: 
“The District will refund the second half of the Per Capita Levy for the Fiscal Year 2020/21 of £4.50 per Lion, which was paid by Clubs in January 2021. This will be refunded by 30th April 2021. 

Explanatory note:
The impact of COVID-19 on District has a led to a significant reduction in activities which has resulted in a surplus on the budget in 2019-20 of £3,000. This has 
continued in the first half of this financial year. A number of Clubs have reported that they are struggling financially and it is recommended by Cabinet that the District capitation for H2 2020-21 is refunded to the Clubs to reflect the surplus of the District budget. It is recommended that, where possible, that Clubs allocate this refund towards membership activities once it is appropriate to do so. 

Resolution No 4 Proposed by District Cabinet 

This Resolution requires a simple majority 

This Convention resolves that: 
“For any new member that is inducted into Lions during the period 21.3.2021 to 30.6 2022, the District will refund the first year's LCI International subscription for that member." This will be limited to the first 150 members that are inducted during that period. 

Explanatory note:
The impact of COVID-19 has lead to a significant reduction in the activities carried out by Lions and to a resulting reduction in opportunities for Clubs to obtain new members. To assist with a membership campaign for the Clubs, the District will pay the International subscription for that member for the year following their induction into the Club. The funding for this resolution will come from the ring fenced membership reserve in the General fund. It will be the responsibility of the individual Club to claim this refund from the District Treasurer, after the member has been inducted. 

Resolution No 5 Proposed by District Cabinet

This Resolution requires a simple majority

“Messrs Gilroy & Brookes, Chartered Accountants of Farnham, be sincerely thanked for their services to the District in the past and that they be, and the same are hereby, re-appointed as Independent Examiner to the District for the forthcoming Year.” 

Explanatory note:
Article IX Section 1 of the District 105SC Constitution By-Laws requires “... an independent examination of the books, records and Financial Statements of the District covering the year by a suitably qualified person to be appointed (or reappointed as the case may be) by resolution at Convention each year.