Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is this event a Convention?
Yes. This is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of District 105SC as we would normally have in person, but because of the pandemic we are having an online meeting this year using Zoom.
2. Is this a Teams call?
Teams is an alternative system to Zoom, so those members who have used the Teams system for meetings in the past will see some small differences, but the basic functions are the same - there will be visual and audio content.
3. What sort of things will we see on the day?
There will be the usual mix of business (resolutions/election of officers), speakers (see the programme for guest details), club interaction (a series of 5 minute slots for clubs to talk about special projects) and entertainment (there is a Host Night social evening on Friday - see below). Please see the Programme for more details. We even have an International Guest coming to say hello…
4. How can I attend?
You will need to register (as a voting delegate, alternate delegate or non-voting attendee) via the Registration form.
5. What is happening on the Friday evening?
There will be a Host Night with entertainment: music by the Two of Us, horse racing to bet on (just for fun - the 'betting' will use the same voting system that will be used for the main business session to help voting delegates familiarise with it), and small ‘tables’ created using Zoom Rooms so you can have a catch up with a small number of friends.
6. Where is the link I need to get into the Zoom sessions?
Nearer the time, you will receive the link in an email, provided you register via the website.
7. Do I need Zoom installed on my device?
If you are using Zoom on a tablet, you will probably need to download it (free of charge) from the relevant app store. If you are on a laptop/desktop computer, it will work through your web browser, however you should go to zoom.us to create a free account and get the best out of it.
8. What business is there? How can I see it? What are the resolutions?
The resolutions are all available to read in advance - see Convention/Resolutions. There will be an on-screen presentation as per the Conventions we have had in the past. Presenters will have their own slides to show, and there may well be some videos. It will all be in one place for the attendees.
9. Can I take a photo of the screen to show friends what I am doing?
Unfortunately, this cannot be done without the express permission of everybody in the meeting. Therefore, we would like to ask you to refrain from doing ‘screen shots’ during the sessions.
10. How can we guarantee people won’t be disturbed by background noise?
We ask that you keep your microphone muted unless you are given permission to speak by the DG; or, if you are one of the scheduled speakers, until you have been properly introduced to the Convention. If you wish to raise a point at any time, Zoom has a ‘Raise hand’ button which brings you to the attention of the event hosts. This varies depending on the device you are using. You can go to YouTube and search for ‘Zoom Raise Hand’ and a short video there shows you how to do that for various devices.
We are aware that many clubs have been meeting virtually for the past year, so a lot of members will have experience of this. We want to make it a simple and pleasant experience for all, so we would encourage members to try to gain some experience of using Zoom ahead of the event if they have not already done so. If anyone is really struggling with that, please use the Contact Us form on the District website to send us a message.
Here is a link to general FAQ in relation to Zoom: