Vacancy - 2nd Vice District Governor

If you are considering the role of District Governor 2023-4 please see below:


(a)  As president of a Lions Club for a full term or major portion thereof, and a member of the board of directors of a Lions club for no less than two additional years; and

(b)  As zone chairperson or region chairperson or cabinet secretary and/or treasurer for a full term or major portion thereof.

(c)  With none of the above being accomplished concurrently. 

(ie this means at least 4 years service as a Lion President, Club Officer and specific Cabinet roles).

For insight into the role have a no-obligation chat with a member of the DG Team or a PDG:

  • DG Steve Petty
  • 1VDG Brian Donovan
  • 2VDG Dave Ebsworth
  • PDG Jarvis Macdonald
  • Secretary PDG Peter Burnett  
  • Comms Noms and Resolutions Officer PDG David Taylor
  • Membership Retention Officer PDG Alan Chapman

Email address format 
